The Anti-Suicide & Success Seminar took a glorious turn in Sacred Heart Girls Pre-university College located in Jeevan Bheema Nagar Bangalore on the 13th of December 2013. We had an attendance of 600 vibrant students whose response encouraged us to do more towards our vision of bringing awareness measures and inspiring people to live.

The program started at 9:30am and went on for a period of two hours. It was inaugurated with a prayer song from the college followed by our Anti Suicide Anthem titled ‘world changer’. Edmonds Owhorode the president, presented a lively fun packed seminar for 40mins where he emphasised on ‘Knowing our identity’ and ‘Discovering our potentials’ through various real life examples and experiences. He made outstanding statements like, “TRUE LOVE WILL NOT KILL but help someone live!”, “FRIENDS ARE LIKE ELEVATORS they can take one up or bring down, but true friends are those who will help you reach your goal in life”. Students responded with questions that they face emotionally, academically and mentally in various aspects of their life which were answered by Edmonds and Joanna Owhorode.
The program started at 9:30am and went on for a period of two hours. It was inaugurated with a prayer song from the college followed by our Anti Suicide Anthem titled ‘world changer’. Edmonds Owhorode the president, presented a lively fun packed seminar for 40mins where he emphasised on ‘Knowing our identity’ and ‘Discovering our potentials’ through various real life examples and experiences. He made outstanding statements like, “TRUE LOVE WILL NOT KILL but help someone live!”, “FRIENDS ARE LIKE ELEVATORS they can take one up or bring down, but true friends are those who will help you reach your goal in life”. Students responded with questions that they face emotionally, academically and mentally in various aspects of their life which were answered by Edmonds and Joanna Owhorode.

This session of the seminar was taken up by Joanna Owhorode the co-president, which was a Brain Storming Analysis session helping the students analyse their mind set and negative lifestyles, thereby re-programming their mind with the right information causing them to take the right decision towards life challenges. Joanna emphasised on how to cultivate a strong thinking pattern using real life example and with workshop sessions. Teaching students that SUICIDE IS A SELFISH ACT because the victim does not think about others and only themselves; this was a very enlightening truth that helped the students to make a strong decision not to come to any situation where suicide becomes an option out. They decide to live and not to kill themselves.
This session of the seminar was taken up by Joanna Owhorode the co-president, which was a Brain Storming Analysis session helping the students analyse their mind set and negative lifestyles, thereby re-programming their mind with the right information causing them to take the right decision towards life challenges. Joanna emphasised on how to cultivate a strong thinking pattern using real life example and with workshop sessions. Teaching students that SUICIDE IS A SELFISH ACT because the victim does not think about others and only themselves; this was a very enlightening truth that helped the students to make a strong decision not to come to any situation where suicide becomes an option out. They decide to live and not to kill themselves.
The faculty & students were overwhelmed at the impact of the seminar it had on their lives. They appreciated and thanked the speakers for conducting such practical life changing seminars. Some students when interviewed revealed that they had suicidal tendencies but the seminar helped them to make a strong decision never to commit suicide! Instead stand for life and inspire others to live.
Finally the program finished at 12:15pm that rounded off with a touching Anti Suicide song titled,
The faculty & students were overwhelmed at the impact of the seminar it had on their lives. They appreciated and thanked the speakers for conducting such practical life changing seminars. Some students when interviewed revealed that they had suicidal tendencies but the seminar helped them to make a strong decision never to commit suicide! Instead stand for life and inspire others to live.
Finally the program finished at 12:15pm that rounded off with a touching Anti Suicide song titled,